Sunday, December 1, 2019

Accutire MS-4021B battery replacement

Accutire MS-4021B

The pressure gauge on this model uses a CR2032 battery.  There are two posts and a tab holding the upper part of the unit together.


  1. Thanks for posting this John - I wouldn't have had the patience to figure it out myself!

  2. when I replaced the battery it just shows -0.0 is there a fix?

  3. Same here. After I replace with a new CR2032 battery, it reads 0.1 psi.
    I think when the battery compartment together with the air chamber is opened, calibration of the pressure sensor is off and needs to be re-calibrated, if this is even possible at all.

  4. Came here in hopes of a recalibrating tip. Had this thing 8 years and it finally decided to die on a 15 degree morning.

  5. The same for me. Gauge reads 0.1. Does anyone know what's next?
